GET Upload History
This API endpoint retrieves the list of X-Request-IDs associated with previous Upload requests. Each X-Request-ID serves as a unique identifier for an individual upload request, allowing users to track and reference past interactions with the system. By accessing the Upload history, users can review and manage the history of their data uploads, facilitating organization and accountability within the system.
OperationId: Get Upload History
Authorization Method(s): OAuth
Verb: GET
End Point: /Forms/UploadHistory
Query parameters in an API operation are key-value pairs that are included in the URL of an API request to filter or modify the data returned by the API. They come after the `?` in the URL and are often used to pass optional parameters like search terms, pagination information, sorting criteria, or filters to narrow down the data in the response.
*Mandatory parameter
Display String | Field Name | Field Type |
External Reporting Entity* | externalReportingEntity | string |
Uploaded From Date* | uploadedFromDate | string |
Uploaded To Date | uploadedToDate | string |
*Mandatory parameter
Response object for upload history.
Example Response
The following is an example response you can expect for this operation
"data": [
"uploadRequestID": "52747545-18ba-41ee-9b22-e96360f7698b",
"externalReportingEntity": "0000022222",
"uploadStatus": "InProcess"
Response codes in an API indicate the outcome of a request. They are three-digit numbers returned by the server to help the client understand if the request was successful, encountered an error, or needs further action. This operation has the following possible responses.
code | description |
200 | The API response contains the status for an upload request. Success Response - 200 OK. The API will respond with the current upload history status. |
204 | 204 No Content If no records are found for the provided request, the API will respond with a No Content status. |
400 | Bad Request - The server could not process the request due to invalid input or missing required parameters. |
401 | 401 Unauthorized: The user's authentication is not valid. |
500 | Internal Server Error - An unexpected error occurred on the server while processing the request. |